Blessed with a Miracle

Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace

Saturday, January 30, 2010

One more week down! 24 weeks.

This weekend was pretty relaxing, and pretty entertaining. I had lots of food and lots of guests, so I am thinking for a a pregnant lady on bed rest these are great combinations. Friday night there was an event at the church, so Lezlee and Kathy brought over leftovers and I stuffed my face with BBQ, it was yum! They also wanted the babies to be on a sugar high, because they gave me not 1, not 2, but 3 desserts! I chose to go first for the truffles that Natasha made, they were amazing!!! I did relocate to the couch after dinner to watch TV with Jack. It was nice to get different scenery, and just like old times, I feel asleep on the couch with no problem. There is something about that couch that will totally relax you.

Saturday morning I had an amazing breakfast, thank you Jack. Eggs, biscuits and bacon....mmmmmm. Jack left to go do a job for work and I started my early morning movie marathon. Throughout the day here was my movie line up: Sister Act II, Spring Break (sort of dumb, but mindless), and I finished with Beauty Shop. Saturday afternoon my Mom and Rick came by and my brother Jamie and sister-in-law Erin surprised me! They live in Hutto, near Austin, but are both coaches so they don't get to leave on the weekends very often. It was great to visit and hang out for awhile. Oh and Kathy came by again with more food....goodness knows what is in the fridge...but I am NOT complaining, more choices for Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace :)

We also got fun baby gifts this weekend. Thank you Carol for all the wonderful goodies, bottles, bibs, burb clothes and crib toys. Marc & Casey, the Port a Crib will be perfect and I am so excited to use it, and Nanny & Poppa, the car seat covers are beautiful! Baby stuff is so fun.

Sunday mornings are kind of sad because I can't leave and go to church, but I do get an update when Jack get's home and in the next day or so the service will be online. He made me a yummy lunch and then we hung out most of the afternoon. We had lots of company today....Dad, Denise and Dillon came over. Dad put the car seat covers on!!! OMG they are SO dang cute!!!! Stacie, Raquel and Pam from church dropped off and brought snacks from Jan's baby shower, and somehow Stacie and Pam ended up straighting up my laundry room. Kathy stopped by and then Jana came over and brought brownies. Oh yah, and in the middle of that Laura came to pick Dillon up. Whew, the day flew and now it's 9 o'clock. Who knew bed rest activity could be so exciting :)
Here are pictures of Poppa (my dad) putting the car seat covers together.

Overall, I am feeling pretty good. On Friday I turned 24 weeks so that is another week to celebrate for. I am learning a great skill of being on my side and using the computer. TIVO is really the best invention, and laying here really does give you a better understanding of what is really important. My back is my only pain, but I am have been doing deep breathing and meditation when it gets unbearable. What can you do!!?

Here is my primary position these days. Notice the shirt, Jack got it for me for Christmas, and it pretty much fits now. The belly is getting big!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another Day in Paradise

I am constantly humbled with the love for our family. I have such awesome friends, family and girlfriends!

Although the morning start off a little rough, I had a great day.
The mornings are hard for a few reasons....
1. Jack is not a morning person, grumpy!
2. I want to get up, wash my face, brush my teeth and then get back in bed to turn my bed side light on, put contacts in, makeup on and start my day. At 6:30 in the morning, this doesn't make it fun for the bed partner.
3. Then I NEED breakfast ASAP, and that is usually early, like 7....and if Jack is asleep, waking him up to get my breakfast is not the easiest task. He doesn't get it that these babies are sucking my calories right out of me!! So, I get upset that I don't have food NOW!! Not like I'm going to die or anything, good gosh.

Oh well, we got through it. Just like we will get through A LOT of other fun things as the babies arrive! I am sure I can't even imagine.

I had a great day today, I can't complain. I was busy with work, I had a $200 day in sales from my amazing Mary Kay customers, AND saw some great friends. Chrystel brought me lunch, good 'ol Sonic burger, a favorite for sure! She stayed through her lunch hour and we visited some. Chrystel is also the awesome girl who recovered my glider rocker I got for next to nothing at Helping Hands. Here it is.

I got a lot done this afternoon working from my bed and around 3 my neighbor Joan came over to check in on me. I also had a package at the front porch she brought in. It was fun to open and see what the babies got! Kristin Hamilton, thank you for the diapers, baskets and baby gowns!

Oh the other thing that was fun today was that Lezlee called into 9.49 the local Christian radio station. She got through and asked that the radio prayer team pray for the pregnancy and the babies. Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy are famous! I was SO sad I didn't hear it, but I have had people call and tell me they did. Lezlee, you are the best girlfriend and we will take all the prayers we can get.

Tonight Jan from Edward Jones is Royse City brought dinner and I could smell the yumminess all through the house. Thank you Jan! Jack got home from work and the store around 6. Now the store is new for Jack. He hates going to Wal-Mart, but for real, how can you shop anywhere else! I also go to the store with a calculator like a nerd, Jack, not so much. BUT, he did stay in budget so that is good. I have NO idea what is in the kitchen, but I don't really care...I'm not real picky.

One of my customers Lori came over to pick up her order and we visited as well this evening. Tonight, Jack will have his bible study over here so more visitors for me! David and Jeff will come and hang out for a bit and then the guys will do their study. Man, I am more social now than ever before :)

Thoughts for the day while on bed rest. ...
*It is very important to have a trash can near by....I have NO clue how I accumulate so much trash
*Being at an angle while eating is interesting. It is a must to have a napkin to act as a "bib" on your chest, otherwise you WILL have stains from your food
*It is a big part of the day when someone brings you your mail, why is that so entertaining!?

The cooking continues....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nothing Exciting.

It's funny because as I thought of what to write today, I just thought to myself....most days will be pretty much the same. So not only will people get bored reading, but when I make this blog into an album it just won't be too entertaining during this bed rest time. (Did you know you could do that, make your blog into a photo album/journal book!?! Thank you Meghan Matte Gregory!)

So, tonight will be short and sweet.
First off, I slept GREAT in my own bed last night!!! It was SO nice to be home in my bed and have my husband right here. My friends Julia and Kari came over with the every so yummy breakfast tacos from Arbledos!!! YUMM!! It was great to see them and visit for a bit. Most of the day I spent working and of course I feel so blessed I am able to do that from home. I was on a conference call for about an hour so that passed some time, and then about 1 pm, Mom came over and made lunch and helped with some things around the house. See...not much action, wake up, shower, work, visitors with food, work, pee at least 4 times, visitors for dinner and then Jack gets home. I am pretty relaxed, how can you not's not like you can do anything even if you wanted to!

Lezlee, Maddie and Lawton came over around 6 with a yummy dinner, chicken alfredo, salad, break and warm brownies. The kids were entertaining and love to think about how Wyatt, Abigail and Jessy are going to be like. Lawton things Wyatt will be like Jack and he thinks that is hilarious!

Tonight my womens bible study group did come over. We normally meet at church at 8 pm, but the are relocating to Redwood St. for a few months, which is great. We had great fellowship and prayer. There really is just something about women talking....just feels good :)

Now I am worn out and ready for bed. We will start the routine again tomorrow.....baking and cooking...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Don't Anticipate!

Anticipate nothing!! Philippians 4:6 - "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." I really think I will learn this, through this journey. Of course we can plan, we can organize, but when we really anticipate we can easily be disappointed, frustrated or let down and easily forget WHO is in charge!

So yesterday, Monday was just a long day. Jack got here Sunday night and stayed the evening in hopes to see the high risk specialist, Dr. Yost, early on Monday. The doctor did not stay on our floor long, as we were quickly told at 10 am she had to go back to her office. Jack didn't want to leave for work in fear of missing the doctor is she came back, but again, we had no way of knowing. So we just hung out.....

The normal morning, vitals, meds and monitoring routine. All the babies seemed to cooperate and each one's heart rates were like champs! They have been really active, and the nurses say since they are so little they have room to move like they are, however...soon they will be sort of stuck in their places. Poor little babies :) I just want them comfy.

By noon I wanted to BREAK OUT!! I don't know who was worse, me or Jack. So he got approval and brought the wheel chair to the bedside, and we were outta there. We went to the cafeteria for lunch and OMG the selection...too many choices for a preggo lady! I ended up with a bacon cheese burger on was SOOOO good!!!! I had a blast looking at all the food with Jack and he was so sweet making sure I saw everything and helped me with all my fixin's. As we sat down I saw lots of groups of students or residents sitting around so then we starting laughing at how it was like Grey's was fun. Aunt Regina came to visit, but when we weren't in the room came to find us in the cafeteria. She took this picture for us.

After our lunch date we headed back up to the room and while Jack watched some old boring western movie, Aunt Regina and I visited. She stayed for almost 2 hours and bless her heart, just wanted to hear the babies heart beats....but that wasn't going to happen again until 4 so she decided to leave around 2.

Most of the afternoon Jack and I talked about me staying in the hospital and that it was probably the best decision. After a break down and selfish moments, I realized that if that was the verdict, per the doctor, that I would survive and suck it up. The nurse came about 6 and I headed to the sono room where Dr. Yost measured my cervix. The cerclage (or stitches) placed looked good, and the procedure was still healing. With pressure I was funneling, however I gained .3 mm of cervical length from the procedure. All the babies fluid looked great and overall she was very pleased that the stitches were in place and would report back to Dr. Romberg. "GOOD GOSH", I thought to myself...."I want to know TONIGHT what the heck is going on and if I am stuck here or at home." Just an answer, either way I would be fine. But NOPE, back to the room went went and would find out tomorrow.

We ended the night with one more wheel chair ride outside to get some fresh air. Again, my husband was going crazy....and used me as an excuse to get outside :) It was nice though, we enjoyed the water fall outside of the hospital and shared some more food. We like to eat... :)

This morning Dr. Romberg came in at 8:30 am. It was SO great to see her!!!!!! Finally!!! She was super impressed with what bed rest had done so far at the hospital and said there was no reason why I couldn't go home and be on bed rest. She quickly informed me that I could be back, next week even....but that we would take it week by week. I will see the high risk doctor every Wednesday, and then see her each Wednesday following that appointment. She told me to pack a light bag each week because we just won't know. She sent me home with a medicine to help with any contracting, which I have NOT been having...but as a precaution and I will take it every morning. I am on total bedrest and only allowed to use the bathroom and shower, and although Jack told her he really wanted me to stay, she really felt confident that I could go home and do the same thing there. I am glad she had me in the hospital for 5 days though, because know I know what bed rest is....and it is NOT a joke!!

Jack and Rick helped pack up my room and then they left for work. Mom came with mid morning breakfast...mmmmm breakfast tacos....and then finished getting all my things from my room. We wheel chaired downstairs and were headed east bound! Although I was laying back and couldn't see anything out the window, I could not wait to smell the smell of my house. It was awesome to be here. We made a La Madeline stop and then were were home!

WOW, so many people worked so hard while I was gone. Denise had the nursery all organized and complete. She added all of her Denise "touches" all over the looks amazing! Uncle Kelly and Matt had come to wash windows, and who knows all of what Jack's listed consisted of. I know my Dad helped too....WOW, we so are loved. It feels SOO good to lay in my bed, and as I type I am leaned back on a slanted pillow and have all the things I need right around me to help make this easier. I am very grateful for so many things, but this will be the constant reminder of what I am working towards. These pictures are right next to me, and these precious babies don't even know how loved they are as they bake in my belly. I can't wait (but I can wait) to bring them into this world and love them.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Adapt and Overcome...

This motto was used a lot when Jack was in the Marines and when we had such unknowns. This motto has served me well many times, but today was a good day to use this one. It is so true, we just never know what each day will bring and a lot of times we just have to adapt to what has come our way.

Today was a MUCH better day!! I woke up from longer rest and a new attitude on how to tackle the day. I had great quiet time as Jack left and was able to really soak in what God was calling me to do. He has called me to be a mother, and knew before I even knew my own name that I would bear 3 beautiful babies. So, I am honored and today I tackled the day differently.

Jack left around 7 am to head home for Church and I was served breakfast in bed. Now I am not complaining about this hospital food. I mean how can you...they cook it, they bring it to you, then they clean it up! I am alllll about it :) So what it's bland, add some salt, pepper and some Tony's! I had quiet time until about 11 and it was great. I watched Joel Olsteen on TV and found great scripture to help get through the day. By the way, love Joel Olsteen, my opinion, he is more of a motivational speaker with some scripture sprinkled in there. Love him, don't get me wrong, but wow a great inspirational speaker as well to get people movin', groovin' and lovin' life. It was pretty amazing though, he talked about a mother who had tried for some time to get pregnant and ended up pregnant with triplets. He spoke of her 3 month time in the hospital and the 6 months of NICU for the babies. Through the determination and God's grace how she overcame that hard time. Now what are the odds that was on this morning!?! Hello, God's odds :)

Denise got here about noon and helped me get ready for the day. My amazing family had a shower for me in the hospital so I got showered, dressed and back in bed before 2. Christian and Max came around 1 and then my family showed up about 2. The set up in the break room on this floor and then took turns coming into see me and open gifts. It was fun and awesome to see all those I love so much. I AM the most blessed mommy to be. We got lots of great things and I have to point out that Jack did get his "daddy pack" (aka diaper bag) that he picked out at Babies 'r Us. Lots of wonderful gifts, and gift cards....those are always great! Here are some pictures from the shower.
I was a good girl. I stayed at my 45 degree angle in my bed and gave hugs and kisses from the bed. I did eat lots of sugar so the babies as we speak are having a PARTY!!! Ha, it is hilarious and amazing how they move. I love that I know which baby is where and who is moving. Wyatt is so strong. Abigail I am pretty sure just moves when Wyatt kicks her, and then sweet Jessy Grace has strong movements, but she keeps to herself. They are too funny!

I am just waiting for Jack to get here for the evening and I am sure we will watch TV and I will crash. It was fun day and I thank God for the great things He continues to bring into my life. We will wait until tomorrow to see what happens next. The doctors will be here early to measure my cervix and see if I can go home. I may, I may not...but we will just adapt and overcome either way.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

All I've Got is Time....

So I hate to be "debby downer" but today was a rough day. I think it started at 3 am when I had to be woken up with blood pressure check, temp check and then baby heart rate check. I was feeling a lot of pressure down low so they then changed my bed to where my feet were higher than my belly. It was quite interesting and must I say unbelievably uncomfortable. I can't sleep on my back because it prevents blood flow to the babies, and I can't sleep on my right side because of the back pain on my right side, so sleeping on the left side vertical it was. I tried to go to sleep and finally gave up and laid there until I couldn't take it any more. I put the bed down and went to sleep from about 4-5 and then woke up at 6 waiting for the next round of check-ins. As I laid there I was feeling super sorry for myself, but then quickly was reminded of the things I am grateful for. I am grateful for: a great hospital with amazing staff, a wonderful husband who is being super helpful, a wonderful support of family and friends, 3 beautiful babies to be and good reports for the past 2 days. I guess the hardest part is knowing that when I get up in the morning, I am still here and still bed bound. Sort of hard for a pretty independent person. BUT, as I said I am being a downer and feeling sorry for myself so I'm done.

The doctor came in this morning to check on me and to talk with me about what will happen Monday. He did prepare me to stay longer, not because the babies don't look good, but because of my cervix and what it can handle being at home. I will have a sonogram on Monday to check my cervical length and to see how the procedure from Wednesday looks after 5 days.

I had several family members here with me today. Dad stayed the night, but this morning Josh Forner came for a quick visit before he headed to work, Dallas PD. By mid morning Dillon and Laura came and brought a yummy breakfast taco and lots of great magazines. Laura also painted my toe nails, which was a huge necessity! :) Denise came around noon and then the fun started when they came in to monitor the babies again each for at least 20 minutes total, on each baby. This process yesterday was a breeze, however today was a different story. 2 hours later, Jessy moved so much that the nurse was not able to get an accurate reading. Her heart rate is there, but it has to be a consistent reading for at least 20 minutes. I had to be in different positions to make her not move and by the end of 2 hours I was in tears and the nurse was worn out. We decided round 2 would happen later in the evening.

Jack got here around 5 and I was so glad to see him!!! He had been working so hard all day at the house, and I am excited to report that all baby beds are put together! Thank you Mike Skahan for your help. I know he had lots of other things on his "to do" list, but he worked hard.

The larger room was available today, so about the time that Jack got here, Dad and Denise had started to relocate all of our things. I just laid as everyone worked...ugh. My nurse said I had 30 minute wheel chair privileges starting today, so I saw a wheel chair and was ready to get out of the room!! Jack took me through the halls of the hospital, we got an Icee, and went up to the 17th floor which is the "observation" deck. It was nice to get out for a little bit and away from the bed. We came back to the new room and it is much bigger and had 2 windows instead of 1, so that is a plus!

My wonderful nurse, Christina Brothers (from The Quest Church), has taken great care of me tonight. She is concerned about my back pain and was trying to think of a million different things she could do to help. Right now a towel rolled up in my mid-back seems to be alleviating some of the pain. We will see, I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day. One of my consultants Brandy and her husband and 2 children came for a visit and while they were here the other baby heart monitoring began. This time it was only about an hour, and the report seem to be somewhat clearer than this Christina called the doctor and he ok'd the results we had.

Dinner came and Mom and Rick came to visit for the remainder of the evening and brought Jack dinner.

I am super excited tomorrow to see family for my shower!! It will be in my room and sort of come and will be fun and make the day go by super fast.

Friday, January 22, 2010

23 weeks TODAY...cook babies cook!

This is a HUGE milestone, as the babies are now considered "viable" and if, God forbid, they are born the NICU will help assist keep them alive. BUT, these babies are cookin' so that won't be the case. Cook babies cook!!!!!!!

This morning was very eventful! Here is a breakdown before noon:
Ate breakfast, eggs, bacon, hash browns, biscuit, fruit, juice and coffee. Mmmmm it was good, really.
Vitals taken, and vitamins and antibiotics swallowed.
IV taken OUT. Wahooooooooo, I can go to the bathroom without help!
Steroid shot in the leg. Ouch, big needle!
Jack left for work. Poor guy has slept on a plastic chair/couch for 2 nights, Lord knows he is tired.
Mom got here and I got breakfast again. Remember 4400 calories a day! Not sure how that will happen.
Shower taken.
Fresh PJ's on.
Mary Kay face on. There is something about getting ready that makes you feel better!
And finally, before noon...2 nurses came in with large monitors and a lot of gear. Let me share details on this eventful part of the day. It was very interesting.

3 belts were added to each area of my stomach where the babies are located. The 4th belt was placed in the middle of my belly to monitor contractions. The goal for the monitoring was to get each babies heart rate for at least 20 minutes. All three at the same time!! So, as you can imagine it took quite a while to get each baby in the right spot and convince them not to move. However, the nurses were SO impressed. The amount of time it took to get all 3 heart rates for 20 minutes took only about 45 minutes. They told me the "normal" time for getting all 3 heart rates for triplets was at least 2 hours! Go Self's!! Wyatt was the squirmy one, go figure. Abigail moved when Wyatt moved...I'm sure he kicked her. And Jessy, the sweet little thing stayed in the same spot the entire time. Each baby also had steady heart rates in the 140's to 150's and occasionally would show a quick increase in heart rate on the monitor. The nurse said this was a great sign, as it shows their neurological area of their brain is responding well. For instance when we as adults are quick to move, or find something that is different from just sitting, our heart rate will slightly increase and then go back to "normal." So, that is a great sign at 23 weeks. Proud momma right here.

This afternoon was filled with great visitors. Mimi and Papa, David Bolton and Josh & Brooke Forner. I got great goodies and managed to score a lot of chocolate and sugar today. Maybe that will help with the 4400 calories?!?! Dad is staying with me tonight to give Jack a rest. However, I am not sure how much the poor guy will rest. He is home, and Denise is there....with a to-do list and hasn't answered his phone all night, so I have a feeling he is a work horse. He has been wonderful and very helpful! HONEY, the babies thank you!!!

Tonight the prenatal masseuse came back and worked on my back again and for now ice on my back will have to be the solution. This is fun too, my nurse tonight is Christina Brothers from Church so she will be taking care of me and babies through the weekend!

All great news for the past 2 days....God is so good!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bedrest, Day 2

Fun times. :) Wow who knew laying in bed all day could be so exhausting. The day started at about 6 am to check for vitals, give meds, etc and after breakfast was brought in at 8:30 the day had begun.....I was wide awake. Jack left for work about 9 and I had some time alone for about 2 hours. So I think this will be the line up for the remainder of the human incubation time, Good Morning America, Regis & Kelly and The View. I notice nothing really comes on between 11 and 1 so I guess that could be nap and lunch? Ha, just kidding that routine will get old real fast! I am very blessed that I have the opportunity to work from home, the laptop, phone and I will become great buds. Today I was also blessed with so many awesome family and friends that came to visit. I ate a scrumptious (sarcasm) turkey and dressing lunch courtesy of Baylor and then a long awaited shower. It is pretty humiliating having to take a shower in a chair, I feel like I'm 80! I was glad when they told me I could be out of the gown though and into pj's so that made my day.

So right now they are monitoring the babies heart rates 2 times a day and also checking for contractions by hooking me up to this big belt and machine. I have an IV drip of meds that are also helping prevent pre term labor as well. Babies heart rates are great and let me tell you they like bed rest, they are moving and's sort of like a boxing match in there. Tomorrow they will move me to a bigger room where they will them hook me up to a different machine that will watch the babies heart rates for longer periods of time. Right now they just use the doppler and locate the heart, but this machine will chart them for an hour at a time to get a better idea of how their heart beats on a more consistent basis. They may also start steroid shots to help the babies develop a little faster, but I am not sure yet if that will be tomorrow or Monday.

I am only allowed to get up to use the restroom and shower so at this point my rear is sore. I am sure over time this will pass?! I hope!! I did get a prenatal massage this evening which has helped relieve some of the pain I have been having in my mid back, but I think she is going to come back tomorrow and work on the area a little more.

I am continued to be given strength by remembering how amazing it will be to hold these precious angels. Psalm 94:19 In the multitude of my anxieties within me,Your comforts delight my soul. Thank you Jamie for reminding me of this scripture.

Thank you for all the calls, emails and facebooks....I am so very grateful.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The last 24 hours...

The last 24 hours have been a whirl wind. Lots has happened and I first want to thank every last one of you who have lifted myself and the three precious babies up in prayer. I am forever grateful for all my friends and family who are so wonderful and trust that God will take care of us.
I went to the doctor yesterday to check growth on each baby. I am SO happy to report that. Here are their stats:
Abigail Ruth , 1 lb 1 oz
Wyatt Michael, 1 lb 3 oz
Jessy Grace, 1 lb

On the other hand, the not so great report was that my cervix had started to thin and there was also funneling (starting to open). In 10 days I went from 3.7 cm to 3.0 cm. Being high risk and with that much change, there was a red flag. My doctor was not at the office at that time, so the doctor on call recommended I go home and be on bed rest the rest of the night. My nurse scheduled me for an appointment for the next day, today at 10:20 am.

This morning the doctor discussed what was happening and the pros and cons of the choices. The choice to do a cerclage (stitch up my cervix) or not do the procedure. At 22 weeks this is the last week she could do the procedure if she decided to do it. The pros are that this procedure would act as a barrier between the babies and the outside world, keeping the babies in longer. It would provide some structure, although may or may not totally prevent my cervix from continuing to thin or go into preterm labor. The cons would be that during the procedure it could cause my water to break or again, cause preterm labor. After much discussion, prayer, and a look at my cervix another time it was decided to go through with the procedure. My cervix in 12 hours had dropped to 2.5 with bedrest. So, I was admitted to Baylor Labor and Delivery and prepped for the procedure to be performed at 4 pm.

Family and friends surrounded me in prayer before I went to the operating room, and let me tell you that was the scariest thing I have done yet!!! Being put under is just weird and not knowing how the babies will be is ever scarier. But, God is good....according to Dr. Romberg, the procedure went perfect. My water did not break and in about 30 minutes I was in the recovery room.

I am know camped out in a room ante-partem at Baylor and will be here until at least Monday. The babies will be closely monitored as will my cervix and the length it keeps. Pending how I do this weekend, I will go home Monday and be on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. I am human incubator and I am TOTALLY OK about it! I had a wake up call today and I WILL not waiver from being a good bed rest patient. There is nothing more in this world I want than these babies to be strong and healthy.

NOW ready for some amazing pictures!!!! Here are the 3D pictures from yesterday, look at these cuties!!! Here are the cutest babies you have ever seen....

Wyatt yawning!!! He's bored!
I will update as I can....
Thank you for your continued prayers.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

1st Baby Shower

Today was an awesome day! Thank you to Mom, Sandra, Laura and Alex for their hard work to make the shower beautiful. It was so great to be with friends and family, and to have a chance to talk all about the babies!! Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace are not going to want for anything, I am overwhelmed with joy!! Heree are a few pictures. I need to figure out how to do a slideshow on here...if you know how tell me :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lots of Action!

Well this week AND weekend has been eventful :)

I haven't been keeping down food for some reason and just miserable trying to eat even a small meal. Friday, I had had enough! I went to the doctor and couldn't take the pain anymore. I have had a pain under my chest, but above my baby belly....I thought it was just "normal" pregnancy pains, for goodness sakes I am have three babies in there. However, when I started balling and said to my doctor "can we please do something about it" she realized I was not kidding and it was normal "pregnancy" pain. (Would have helped if I would have told her in December when it started) Dr. Romberg wanted me to check into Labor and Delivery Observation at Baylor to run some tests. I headed home packed a bag, waited for Jack and headed back to Dallas. We checked into the hospital and after waiting and more waiting, blood work and a few other tests, the last test ordered required at least 6 hours of an empty stomach. Also, the staff to run the test was low and I would have had to stay over night, which there was no need. So, after doctors approval they sent me home with an appointment Monday to take a look at my gallbladder. They are pretty sure this is what is causing the pain. So, Monday at 8 am I will know more!

NO worries, the babies are ALL fine! They are moving and all heart beats sound great. I didn't have my growth appointment this week, however so no new sono pics yet. But, I am sure this week that appointment will be rescheduled.

Now to the good news!!!!
The babies beds are in! (Thank you Mom, Rick, Dad and Denise!!) Jack and I went to Rockwall Saturday afternoon to pick up the baby beds at Wal-Mart. Let me just say that Site to Store at Wal-Mart is ingenious!! NO shipping cost!!! You can imagine the looks we got as we strolled through Wal-Mart.

After the baby bed stop we went to Babies 'r Us to pick up the matresses. (Thank you Aunt Jane!) We also registered for a few other things we thought of since the last time we were there.

Putting one baby bed was pretty fun. I love quality time with my man, so sitting on the floor reading directions, listening to Johnny Cash with pizza sitting in the box to eat is fun. I know I'm weird, but I totally enjoyed this Saturday night date. One bed was enough challenge, so we are going to put the other 2 together at another time. I think it looks great though!! OH, and that's a car seat we got this week! (Thank you Katie & Keres!!)

Tomorrow is my first baby shower and I can't wait! Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers as Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace continue to grow. God is good!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

20 Weeks...Half Way There!!!

The Christmas break was awesome and much needed! I felt like I really took 2 weeks off and it was so nice to get that kind of break. Breakfast every morning, showers later in the afternoon and lots and lots of organization around the house. I had a great time hanging out with friends and family, and just getting to do my own thing.

Here are the list of accomplishments:
Paint and trim complete in nursery, thank you Jack!
Paint and trim complete in office/guest room, thank you Jack!
Rocker glider covered, thank you Chrystel!
Fan put up in office/guest room
Master closet completely reorganized
Emptied nursery closet and shelves put up
Ordered fabric for bedding
I feel like there is more, but these were the major to-do's.
I am starting to get and feel really big. I know, I know, I am going to get much bigger....but it is starting to happen fast. I have started feeling the babies move a little, not big movements, but just small flutters. It is just unreal that 3 people are growing inside of me!!! God is just amazing!!

My doctors appointments have gone well over the past 3 weeks. I see the doctor this week so I am hoping for a good report. I am starting to feel more pressure down low and I am not sure if that is just normal or if I am starting to get heavier and it is harder to hold up. My back is the only complaint...if I could get rid of the mid right back pain I would be the happiest pregnant women out there. I am grateful for a husband who gives good back rubs and a new massage chair my mom and Rick got us for Christmas.

I need to take better pictures, but here are ones I had from the rooms so far.