Blessed with a Miracle

Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace

Saturday, December 28, 2013

DeWitt Annual Family Festivus

You know you have an awesome family when you have the words "Festivus" in your invitation to attend a gathering!  And, you know you have an awesome family when you have this family little cousinettes playing in a little bitty house.
It just doesn't get much better than hanging with your cousins and watching all of the kids play like we used to play. Or talking to your Aunt and Uncles and laughing, well crying too. 
Darrah and Jared hosted this year, and it was fun to watch everyone enjoy the outdoors. Only in Texas can you hang outside in December and have fun!
And only in Texas do you get to hit a pinata in December at a Christmas function...
Mimi with her great grand triplets....they are in love with her.
As the evening started to end, the boys went hunting so I decided a sleepover was a great idea. The babies agreed especially because Knox had 2 new kitties to play with.
The babies had a blast playing with Knox and baby Charlie
The sleepover was a success!
I am SO grateful for a wonderful and beautiful family. The only person missing is sitting on an angel cloud in the Heavens. We missed you this year Shelly. Love you so.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Morning!

A reason to celebrate and remember the birth of Jesus. There is not a better place to be in fellowship with others for this celebration than our church family, The Quest. Here are the babies and I before our evening service at our Terrell campus. 
There is also nothing better than babies waking up to the "magic" of Santa. Jack and I had a fun time setting everything up and getting it all ready for when they wake up to see what Santa brought. We have a tradition that the babies open 3 presents from Jack and I. Just like Jesus was given gold, frankincense and myrrh, our babies also get 3 gifts. However, the Santa gift was a bike!

Here is Abigail sporting her wheels...
Jessy was ALL about it! She loved riding her bike up and down the sidewalk.
Well....then there is my amazingly always happy and looking at the glass full love bug, Wyatt! He wasn't a huge fan of the bike, so instead he wanted to decorated with the paper and ribbons left from presents. Anyone that knows my son knows that this is totally him!
It's amazing to see how 3.5 year old babies look when they are loved and blessed in so many ways. Merry Christmas from all of our family!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

School Class Christmas Party!

How did I get so lucky to have donut Friday with these 3 little people every week!?!?! One will never know, but it sure is super fun! 

Here is a typical order....they don't just eat a little either...
Jessy wants at least 4 kolaches...
Abigail will usually take an apple fritter and maybe a few donut holes...
And Wyatt is all about the icing donut with sprinkles!
Christmas is such a blessing of a holiday. I am so grateful for the chance to join these little ones for their school Christmas party! A whole lotta fun!