Blessed with a Miracle

Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace

Saturday, January 30, 2010

One more week down! 24 weeks.

This weekend was pretty relaxing, and pretty entertaining. I had lots of food and lots of guests, so I am thinking for a a pregnant lady on bed rest these are great combinations. Friday night there was an event at the church, so Lezlee and Kathy brought over leftovers and I stuffed my face with BBQ, it was yum! They also wanted the babies to be on a sugar high, because they gave me not 1, not 2, but 3 desserts! I chose to go first for the truffles that Natasha made, they were amazing!!! I did relocate to the couch after dinner to watch TV with Jack. It was nice to get different scenery, and just like old times, I feel asleep on the couch with no problem. There is something about that couch that will totally relax you.

Saturday morning I had an amazing breakfast, thank you Jack. Eggs, biscuits and bacon....mmmmmm. Jack left to go do a job for work and I started my early morning movie marathon. Throughout the day here was my movie line up: Sister Act II, Spring Break (sort of dumb, but mindless), and I finished with Beauty Shop. Saturday afternoon my Mom and Rick came by and my brother Jamie and sister-in-law Erin surprised me! They live in Hutto, near Austin, but are both coaches so they don't get to leave on the weekends very often. It was great to visit and hang out for awhile. Oh and Kathy came by again with more food....goodness knows what is in the fridge...but I am NOT complaining, more choices for Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace :)

We also got fun baby gifts this weekend. Thank you Carol for all the wonderful goodies, bottles, bibs, burb clothes and crib toys. Marc & Casey, the Port a Crib will be perfect and I am so excited to use it, and Nanny & Poppa, the car seat covers are beautiful! Baby stuff is so fun.

Sunday mornings are kind of sad because I can't leave and go to church, but I do get an update when Jack get's home and in the next day or so the service will be online. He made me a yummy lunch and then we hung out most of the afternoon. We had lots of company today....Dad, Denise and Dillon came over. Dad put the car seat covers on!!! OMG they are SO dang cute!!!! Stacie, Raquel and Pam from church dropped off and brought snacks from Jan's baby shower, and somehow Stacie and Pam ended up straighting up my laundry room. Kathy stopped by and then Jana came over and brought brownies. Oh yah, and in the middle of that Laura came to pick Dillon up. Whew, the day flew and now it's 9 o'clock. Who knew bed rest activity could be so exciting :)
Here are pictures of Poppa (my dad) putting the car seat covers together.

Overall, I am feeling pretty good. On Friday I turned 24 weeks so that is another week to celebrate for. I am learning a great skill of being on my side and using the computer. TIVO is really the best invention, and laying here really does give you a better understanding of what is really important. My back is my only pain, but I am have been doing deep breathing and meditation when it gets unbearable. What can you do!!?

Here is my primary position these days. Notice the shirt, Jack got it for me for Christmas, and it pretty much fits now. The belly is getting big!


Unknown said...

I look forward to your updates...glad you and the babies are doing so well. The seat covers are adorable! Love you. Aunt Sally

Christina said...

I love the Shirt! Too Funny