Blessed with a Miracle

Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace

Friday, August 20, 2010

Our New Ride!

Today I felt like the walls were closing in! Everything seemed to be cluttered around me and I couldn't take it anymore! The heat is keeping me from doing a lot with the babies, the in and out is super tiring. But today, I boldly decided we are going for a walk!! In our fabulous new stroller no less :)

Family friends Mike & Becky Harrison had this Triplet Jogging Stroller sent to us about a week ago, and Monday night when I got home from my Mary Kay meeting Jack had it all put together.

How do you get it through a standard door you fold it up :) It is mostly for outdoors, the zoo, parks, etc. The great things about it are the swivel wheels in front (easy to turn corners), the reclining seats and the fabric the seats are made of...they don't sweat as much in this heat.

I am super ready for the fall! I just hope the fall is longer and winter will hold out for a while...the babies and I have some walkin' to do!!!

1 comment:

The Warren Family said...

That is awesome girl, I feel the same way, its so hot to get out with Harper so im ready for the fall so I can get out and walk off my baby weight...