Blessed with a Miracle

Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day!

To all the men and women who have served and continue to serve, we thank you!

I was able to go through old digital files and was so glad I had these special pictures of an amazing return home. Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy must know your Daddy is a hero and helped serve our country 3 different times in Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was courageous, brave and above all graced with God's armor, and was brought home safely.

These pictures from his 2nd tour return day, September 21st. It was a glorious day, as his platoon had lost many men during this tour. Here everyone is anxious and waiting for the buses to arrive on base.

I remember thinking to myself, how in the world am I going to find him!!

But it wasn't long when we saw each other and sprinted into one another's arms...

Happy, happy!!

Here is Josh, the man behind introducing me and your Dad. Josh and I went to A&M together and then left to join the Marines. Via sateliette phone he introduced us....that is a story in itself.

Outside of our wedding day and the birth of our babies, this was one of the most special days I can remember...

Here are special buddies from 3/7 who served in this tour together...

Semper Fi and thank you to the men, women and families who sacrafice so much in order to serve our country.

1 comment:

Lucas and Meghan said...

Your post made me tear up. The pictures are so wonderful. Love ya!