Blessed with a Miracle

Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Funny Times

The babies are really starting to notice each other more and more. They have their own language I swear! The noises they make are hysterical, and the way they make each other laugh is so sweet. Here are 2 videos I just couldn't get enough of watching.

This was a sneaky record. I was changing JG's diaper and heard Abigail laughing over and over. I looked over the bar and this was what was going on. I grabbed my video camera and snuck around the side of the doorway so they wouldn't see me.

Jessy, Jessy...she just doesn't know what to think. She is so serious sometimes, but so funny at other times. Abigail is our social queen if you can't tell.

Wyatt thinks this is funny!!

It's a three ring circus around here...friends and family always welcome!

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