Then the after....with a little note on what they are doing during month 10!
Sweet Abigail....Daddy's blue-eyed angel...toy thief...silly girl...all of these describe this baby girl. Her hair as you can see in this picture not only is starting to come in more...but is a light reddish blonde. Her eyes are crystal blue and she pretty much steals your heart. She has 4 teeth but you would think she has a mouthful, she has no problem eating whatever you give or put in front of her. She is crawling, but it is more of what we call a "hop crawl." I'm not sure if it is because we have hard wood floors or because she just thinks it is easier and faster her way, but one leg is under her and her right leg is out to the side, sort of like a motor getting here where she needs to go, and fast I might add!. It's pretty cute, and no worries the doctor checked her hips out, she's good. Abigail still "talks" the most and has the funniest noises she has taught her brother and sister. She says "dada, mama" and talks to herself 90% of the time...just babbles. She also has recently learned how to wave "bye-bye" and she loves to cuddle. She has also recently starting pulling up on anything she can.
Wyatt, the little/big man....JJ (Jack Jr), handsome boy! Wyatt has 6 teeth and has the prettiest hazel brown eyes. He really only has something to "say" when he sees or wants food, or wants his bed. He loves fruit, especially cantaloupe, and LOVES vanilla wafers. He learned from Abigail to "hop crawl" as well, but he uses his left leg out to the side, opposite of her. (I will post a video so you can see soon!) Wyatt loves to bounce, be upside down, bang pots and pans...he is all boy! He is wearing mostly 18 month old clothes his shoe size has gotten a lot bigger over the last month. Wyatt is pulling up too and LOVES to stand whenever he get's a chance. He is the best sleeper of them all for sure and just a happy baby.
Jessy...JG, little mousy...this girl has a personality, let me tell you! Her faces are priceless, and I really haven't ever seen a baby so proud of her teeth. Jessy has 8 teeth, and while you would think she would eat everything she sees, she actually doesn't care too much for a "snack" but prefers to eat by spoon. She is crawling "normal" and can get wherever in a hurry! She is standing and pulling up with no problem and is "cruising" between furniture and toys whenever she can. It won't be long and she will be walking. Jessy is super social and loves to meet people for the first time. She gives this sideways grin that you just can't help but laugh at. She is independent and a "diva" at the same time. She knows how to work the system when other people are here and is a sucker for her daddy to do something for her. He's so whooped with these girls. Jessy loves to dance still and says "mama" and "dada" as well. She loves to take a bath and still sleeps with Cocoa her dog.
This month we took away the 4 pm bottle and replaced it with a snack. The babies love fruit, yogurt, and crackers. We also moved dinner time to 6:30, and are feeding the babies more table food at that time, then they get a bottle at between 7:30 and 8 pm. They still sleep through the next morning and wake up between 7 and 8 am. Sometimes 1 of the babies will have a bad night, but is not very often. They have all stayed healthy with occasional runny noses and fussiness from teething, but nothing out of the ordinary.
The weather is starting to move toward a warmer direction, so we are excited to be outside more. I can't believe month 10 is almost over and before we know it their 1 year birthday will be here! It is amazing that 1 year ago I was flat on my back with prayers being lifted up all over the place for these angels. They have no idea how many people already loved them. Blessed.
Abigail really, really liked the fact thought it shouldn't go to waste so licking it off the table would be a good idea. Too funny!
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