Blessed with a Miracle

Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hamster Wheel

It has set in, the routine, the grind, the daily hamster wheel of caring for the triplets. I am a happy hamster though, and really you can even ask my husband I don't complain until it is late at night and my body won't go anymore. I go and go, and go and go and just never get off the wheel....until my head hits the pillow between 3 1/2 hour feedings in the middle of the night, and then I am OUT!

My daily routine is pretty much stays the same until I am feeding or changing a baby, then it might get interesting...but for the most part this is the routine.
Change diaper
Cuddle for a minute
Lay back down
Get another baby....if there are only 2 people, it's the 3rd one's turn
Repeat of above
Wash bottles out
Eat snack
Shower (if I don't get a shower by about noon, there is no hope)
Make bottles
Answer email, phone messages...squeeze in a little Mary Kay
Sterilize bottles 2 times a day
Express milk 8 times a day
Restock diapers and wipes
Straighten house
Repeat about 8 times and that is a 24 hour period

Good times! I thought before when I had 2 jobs I was busy...MAN this is enough for 3 people to handle for sure. When we have 3 sets of hands it is a party and feedings just go by thank you to all my family and friends who have offered their hands.

One of our highlights for the week was taking pictures with a photographer. Our friends Ken and Cindy Sheppa had the triplets over for their newborn pictures and it was so much fun. Lots of work let me tell you to get three to cooperate, but the results so far are great. We are getting together one more time to finish, but here are just a few he sent after the session. THANK YOU KEN!!!

My best friend from college Bethany, and her son Hayden came to stay for a few days. Triplets and a 2 year old made for quite a household, let me tell you! But, we had a great time and I was so appreciative for all of Bethany's help.

The babies are getting bigger and bigger each week. I weighed them today, and here are their stats:
Abigail - 6 pounds 2 ounces
Wyatt - 7 pounds 2 ounces
Jessy Grace - 5 pounds 14 ounces

This last week we also switched to a 3 1/2 hour schedule with the hopes of being on a 4 hour by June, giving me a little more time during the day to work. So far the 3 1/2 is working well and we will probably stay with this for another week or so to make sure the babies have it down.

I am breaking out from the routine tomorrow, Saturday to grocery shop, head to Babies R Us, Northpark and who else knows were I will end up! Jack and Dad will be here with the babes....they can handle it!

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