Blessed with a Miracle

Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Around the Block

Call in the paparrazi....around the block we go! So fun though to get out of the house and get the babies in some fresh air! I had cabin fever for sure, whew and it was good to get some exercise. Here we are out the door.
The Cadillac Stroller did well and it's wheels were sturdy.....I know will get good use. The front wheel really needs to be a swivel though, you have to pick up the front and turn. Several couples stopped to peek, and one lady yelled from her porch, "are those triplets?" Good gosh people....YES, isn't it obvious. I guess not.....hmmm....then she wanted to take a picture. No worries she took it from afar, hilarious.

The babies did great! They all feel right asleep and told me later that night, they were glad to get out.

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