Blessed with a Miracle

Abigail, Wyatt and Jessy Grace

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Jessy Grace

The past 24 hours have been every emotion wrapped into one. Parts of the day seem to go by in a flash and others time just crawled by.

Friday morning started off as normal as it could be. Jack and I did the 6 am feeding, he left for work and I went back to sleep until about 9. I made bottles, made myself breakfast and my cousin Shelly got here about 9:45 am. We starting feeding the babies, I fed Jessy Grace and Shelly fed Wyatt. Abigail was still asleep. The feedings went well....we changed their diapers, clothes....all things normal. My friends from the Chamber stopped by to see if they could help at all during the 10 am feeding.

Julia was holding Jessy Grace just talking to her and cuddling with her. All of sudden she threw up practically her entire bottle. I was in the kitchen already washing bottles and from afar, noticed she was ok, so I told Julia to pat her on the back. I looked up and she had milk coming out of her nose. I grabbed the bulb syringe to start trying to remove to milk from her mouth and her nose...even though I was doing that she not breathing at all. She started to get really stiff and her face quickly turned a purplish blue color. I hit her back to try to get the airway clear, nothing....Connie called 911 immediately and after seeing the color of Jessy's face getting worse and worse I knew I had to do infant CPR.

We learned CPR as part of our discharge class at Baylor. Thank GOD!!! I took her to the living room, gave her 1 breath...then chest compressions. Nothing. I gave another breath, chest compressions and she coughed. I was able to use the bulb syringe to get the junk from her mouth and after I did that she cried. She was breathing!!!! I got as much of the milk from her mouth and nose. She cried for just a few seconds and got quiet again and turned the whitest of white I have ever seen. Her skin was hot, and even though she was breathing she seemed extremely lethargic. I took her clothes off and we put cold wash rags on her body until help arrived.

While all this is going on the EMS is LOST!!!!!!!! Shelly had called Jack and he was walking in the door, Julia was outside trying to see if she could see the ambulance, and what seemed like eternity, they finally arrived. After the EMT listened to her lungs she thought it was best to go ahead on to the hospital. We put her in her car seat and they loaded her up in the ambulance. Jack took the other 2 in the Tahoe, and I rode with Jessy Grace. Her vitals the entire way there were fine. She slept the entire way and hardly moved.

In the ER they did an x-ray on her lungs and did a complete exam. There was no sign on fluid in her lungs which was a good thing, because if there was fluid, she may have come down with pneumonia. The plan however to keep her over a 24 hour period for observation.

The final outcome was that she may have had a bug which caused her to get sick, however with a stuffy nose and the doctor diagnosing her with acid reflux, it made for a bad combination. While in the hospital room, she did well. At first she did not eat much and of course slept the entire time. By the 2 o'clock feeding on Saturday she was eating better and seemed to feel much better. The doctor prescribed medication to help with the acid reflux, and also sent her home with a "wedge and harness" contraption. This is for her bed in hopes that if she happens to vomit in her sleep she will be in an upright position, and being in a more upright position helps control the reflux overall.

Here are a few pictures from her 24 hour stay at Children's Medical Center in Dallas.

Here is what we wedge looks like that she sleeps on. Is she not the most perfect angel you have ever seen!!

I am so grateful for the people who were there by God's plan on Friday. My cousin Shelly, friends Julia Bryant and Connie Taylor. David and Kathy Bolton who stayed with Jack and the other babies on Friday night, and Lezlee and Jeff Berry who not only were there for support, but also to send the prayer requests through the town. I am so glad my Mom and Dad were there for support and know that on this day God has his hand again on our family.

1 comment:

Psalm112 said...

How scary, but Praise the Lord that you stepped up and saved her life, Mommy!!! Way to go!!!

You'll have to tell Miss Connie hello for me!

Know our prayers continue and we hope to get to meet them soon!